Saturday 19 May 2018

How Savvy HRMS can help in a long run

india's Leading Payroll Software 

                                                                                                            Efficient HR Management

With the implementation of Savvy HRMS each and every step is automated and hence helps to increase the efficiency of HR department.
Improved Tracking of Employee Data

For any organization, employees are its biggest assets and backbone. To improve their data, Savvy HRMS plays an important role. You can easily manage the attendance, payroll, leaves and performance of every employee.

Improves Communication Gateway

Savvy HR Management Software from Orasis helps to create a communication gateway between the employees and management or HR Department. Also it creates a kind of trust and transparency helping to improve efficiency.

Reduces Business Cost
 And the most important factor of HRMS implementation is that it helps to reduce the costing of the complete procedure and helping to reduce the manpower. This also helps to save a lot of time since all the process from joining of an employee till his full and final can be automated easily.
So if you are planning to grow your business and fed up with the huge excel sheets, just implement Savvy HRMS and ask our agent to provide you a free online demo for more understanding.

Salary structure configuration: You can define and create salary structures with all its components as mandated by your organization in minutes.

  • Payroll automation: You can easily integrate payroll with leave and attendance module for tracking real-time attendance and accurately calculate pay days.

  • Calculate overtime with ease: Savvy Hrms  makes payroll processing quick and simple by cutting down queries related to overtime calculations and pay.

Call or Mail Us For Free Online  Demo-  9999052481,

Monday 30 April 2018

How to help cloud based Savvy Hrms (Visitor Management Module)

Visitor Management is an online programming that enables you to keep up the record of the guest. Being Web Based Software, it can be perused from any piece of the world with any web empowered gadgets relying on server accessibility . Likewise, Visitor Management Software is intended to give an arranged structure to the guest worker meeting. It additionally permits the administrator to track the record of the guests like different points of interest of his possessions he is conveying, the planning of his meeting and going. And furthermore, in the event that he is planned to come straightaway, his each detail will reflect in the framework with his name. 

The set-up or organization where the recurrence of guests are high, there Visitor Management is quite helpful programming. This encourages you to keep up the reputation of each guest with every single points of interest with his photo. As during the time spent start of meeting with the worker and guest, his photo is clicked to create a door pass. Remembering each security reasons, diverse layer of confirmation is made to continue everything secure. 

Feature Off Visitor Management 

  • Email notification on requests,
  •  approval and rejections
  • Pre-registration of individual
  • Today's appointments and expected visitors
  • Visitor Sign-In by user
  • Visitor Sign-out by user
  • Visitor Photo Capture
  • Business card scanning
  • Visitor history tracking
  • Blacklisting of Visitors 
  • Totally secure process for Visitor entry
  • Items carried in/out
  • Graph report for total signed In visitor, today total visitor
  • Email / SMS notifications

    Call Us for Free Demo- 9999052481, #BestVisitorManagementSystemdelhi

Monday 26 March 2018

5 HRIS Reports That Can Improve Your People Management

                            Improve Your People Management

HRIS announcing usefulness can enable any business to show signs of improvement handle on their information, making it conceivable to utilize that information to see the master plan and enhance the association. In any case, the immense number of reports accessible can wind up overpowering for those that don't know precisely what they're taking a gander at. To include significantly greater unpredictability and weight, reports can be exceptionally created in a huge number of ways.

Vacancy Reports

Opening  leave a gap in an association that can influence client benefit, worker spirit, and profitability. Having quick access to opportunity reports enables supervisors to rapidly make sense of which positions are open, which divisions are understaffed, and to what extent positions have been empty. This data can help administrators to fill opportunities all the more proficiently, however it can likewise furnish bits of knowledge like issues with filling a specific position that reason it to be empty longer and all the more frequently


Labor is generally the largest expense in a workplace. Being able to identify labor costs and ratios at a glance can help managers to better manage labor, which can in turn drive dollars to the bottom line. When real-time reporting is available, managers can even make on-the-spot decisions to save labor dollars.


Compliance reports can be instrumental in determining whether employees are eligible for benefits, identifying which employees have benefits, and reporting the right information to the appropriate party. Compliance reports can help you to take better care of your employees, while also adhering to existing laws and avoiding penalties. Taking advantage of HR software compliance reporting capabilities can save a tremendous amount of time and potentially a lot of money, as well.


Employee turnover can become costly and vacancies resulting from turnover can hamper productivity. Turnover reports produce a ratio that can be used to compare a company’s turnover with similar companies in the industry to determine whether there is a problem with higher than average turnover.
Since decreasing turnover should be a goal regardless, turnover reports can also be helpful in identifying certain factors that may be causing employees to leave. Certain positions or departments may see greater turnover, which would allow you to investigate further and find out whether the problem is a particular manager, wage disparity, lack of consistency, or another issue. You may also be able to determine whether turnover is high at certain times of year or if there are other factors at play.


Finding and hiring great candidates can improve a workforce quickly and effectively. Sourcing reports can relay exactly which sources are producing the best candidates, the greatest number of candidates that turn into new hires, and more. Since sourcing information can change quickly with trends, having access to sourcing reports can help HR professionals and recruiters continue to source strategically and improve the workforce.
These reports are basic ones that can be used by just about any workplace, regardless of size or industry. As managers get used to using reports, it will become clear which reports could be used to further improve a particular place of business based on unique characteristics. Customized reporting may also become invaluable as managers and HR professionals get more comfortable with the HRIS.
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Friday 16 March 2018

Raise Your Business With Payroll Implementation

The payroll software can help an HR manager by managing compliance and risk of litigation, ensuring accurate and timely payroll etc. Payroll software helps you in computing bonus/ ex-gratia, gratuity, provident fund, employee state insurance, professional tax & Labour Welfare Fund (Please check) through some preset formulas and also helps in computation of returns.
Effective use of HRMS and payroll software delhi delivers three pronged results: It improves results, increases efficiency and lowers costs. Demand for such products have increased over time as such software have helped companies to effectively deal with manpower projection to training management, attendance management, leave management to employee exit management and reduce the manual workload of administrative activities.
Companies who want to follow the growth path will have to implement these sooner or later, so the question isn’t whether HR technology will be accepted. The question is why should companies do it sooner rather than later.
Though there is increased awareness about these systems, often the urgency with which they need to be implemented is ignored. Usually this skepticism arises from a belief that such systems are too costly and companies aren’t able to see their RoI before implementing those. Talking of costs, if only the direct costs (namely salaries of employees involved into payroll) are taken into consideration, the HRMS & Payroll software can be apparently seen as expensive, but if the costs are taken cumulatively like direct, indirect (like, server cost, stationery cost, telephone cost, other overheads) and incidental expenses involved into it, then it will be far more cost effective.
Now, comes the necessity part. While larger organizations have started looking towards technology to speed up work and make employee interaction more efficient, often it is smaller organizations or start-ups that are seen to be dilly-dallying its use. The fact is that they need it as much as a large organization does. HRMS or payroll implementation early on can propel a company towards a more systematic work atmosphere and save a great deal of time for its HR to look into things it should. Not only does it help HR save a lot of time, but it is also pretty accurate.
Know more about savvy hrms and our hrms Software delhi to manage your people efficiently by visiting.

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Saturday 10 March 2018

Hrms Payroll Software delhi

With the web-based Savvy  HRMS software Delhi, now there’s a smarter, more efficient way to handle all of your people-related activities. Savvy  HRMS offers a more intuitive, self-service features to help you effectively organize and pay your global workforce than any HRMS of its kind. Manage the hire-to-retire lifecycle with savvy  HRMS software. Savvy  HRMS consists of Payroll Management, Recruitment Management, Performance Management, Timesheet Management and Employee Self Service. Payroll Management makes payroll processing and payslip generation simple, efficient and on time than any other savvy HRM
 software. Recruitment Management gives you capability to hire top quality talent and amplify recruiting experience than any other traditional HRMS software. Performance Management allows you to automate performance appraisals through easily configurable appraisal cycles. Timesheet Management improvises on the traditional HRMS to provide you the capability to submit, approve and view report for employee timesheets. Employee Self Service lets your employees to maintain a personalized and an efficient profile.
Savvy Hrms  is a comprehensive HRMS solution that automates the entire leave process and empowers your organization to effectively apply leave policies. With  savvy , you can record, track, monitor, and evaluate your employees’ leave and attendance details.
savvy Claims management offers you automated processes for claim management which reduces your effort for claims processing and provides you paperless HRMS environment for managing employee claims. Savvy  HRMS provides you fully integrated workflow distribution for efficient claim tracking, processing and document management. Savvy HRMS empowers your organization for effective management of employee claims by recording, monitoring, tracking and evaluating
 Savvy  HRMS Training enables you to manage programs, content, trainers, tests, results and more with minimal navigation through unique HRMS dashboard functionalities. Savvy  HRMS provides powerful scheduling and organizing tools with an end-to-end solution for managing all training processes. savvy  HRMS helps you to plan, deliver and manage the knowledge capital of the organization.

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Wednesday 7 March 2018

Human Resources Payroll Software

With the web-based Savvy  HRMS software, now there’s a smarter, more efficient way to handle all of your people-related activities. Savvy  HRMS offers a more intuitive, self-service features to help you effectively organize and pay your global workforce than any HRMS of its kind. Manage the hire-to-retire lifecycle with savvy  HRMS software. Savvy  HRMS consists of Payroll Management, Recruitment Management, Performance Management, Timesheet Management and Employee Self Service. Payroll Management makes payroll processing and payslip generation simple, efficient and on time than any other savvy HRMS software. Recruitment Management gives you capability to hire top quality talent and amplify recruiting experience than any other traditional HRMS software. Performance Management allows you to automate performance appraisals through easily configurable appraisal cycles. Timesheet Management improvises on the traditional HRMS to provide you the capability to submit, approve and view report for employee timesheets. Employee Self Service lets your employees to maintain a personalized and an efficient profile.
Savvy Hrms  is a comprehensive HRMS solution that automates the entire leave process and empowers your organization to effectively apply leave policies. With  savvy , you can record, track, monitor, and evaluate your employees’ leave and attendance details.
savvy Claims management offers you automated processes for claim management which reduces your effort for claims processing and provides you paperless HRMS environment for managing employee claims. Savvy  HRMS provides you fully integrated workflow distribution for efficient claim tracking, processing and document management. Savvy HRMS empowers your organization for effective management of employee claims by recording, monitoring, tracking and evaluating 
 Savvy  HRMS Training enables you to manage programs, content, trainers, tests, results and more with minimal navigation through unique HRMS dashboard functionalities. Savvy  HRMS provides powerful scheduling and organizing tools with an end-to-end solution for managing all training processes. Deskera HRMS helps you to plan, deliver and manage the knowledge capital of the organization.
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